Traditional Hausa caps 'Hula': what you need to know


Traditional Hausa Caps: Hula

Hula is a Hausa name for a cap. Hausas are the dominant tribe in Northern Nigeria, also found in most parts of west Africa. In Hausa culture cap is only worn by male, therefore hula is for men. Hula is a valuable wear in Hausa tribe.

Hula or traditional Hausa cap in purely handmade good, purely an embroidery . The main work is usually done by women, the finishing is by men but this may vary due to region. In region of Maiduguri caps are higly valued.  The most expensive ones are usually produced from the region.

Hua can be mainly two types 'Zanna' or 'Damanga' (names may vary due to region).

The picture below is mainly Zanna type which is the most common and most valuable (this may vary due to region). The Zanna type can vary depending on the followingue to:

1. The type/quality of the embroidery used

2. The type of weaving technique( the Tangaran/yar Bama type being the mst valued)

3. Also depending on the pattern/design used 

Theses feautures above defines the name, quality and cost of the cap

Other forms of Hula exist which are made from leather, piece of cloth which we will talk later.

To view more varieties see in Nuwar Exquisite Caps


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